Syllabus: CS 5970-002: Mobile Manipulation (Spring 2017)

Mobile Manipulators are robotic systems that are capable of navigating through and interacting with unstructured environments in order to perform a wide range of tasks. Designing control systems for this domain is a non-trivial process, due in part to the complexities of constructing and manipulating flexible and extensible representations of the environment, motor action and task. In this seminar course, we will study the representation, learning, planning and control techniques that are currently driving this field forward.

General Information

Course Goals and Topics

Topics will include: By the end of this course, you should be able to:

This is a very hands-on class: every student will be involved in the design, implementation, and programming for the project work. Note that this component of the class will involve a non-trivial amount of time; students should plan their schedules accordingly.

Course Policies


Grades will be computed according to the following distribution:

In-Class Participation

All students are expected to actively participate in class discussions. Come to class with questions, ideas and demonstrations.

Paper Presentations

Each student will be responsible for presenting and leading the subsequent discussion for two research papers. We will settle on the list of papers and the assignments in the first few weeks of class. Guidelines for these presentations will be available before the first presentation.

Written Summaries

A one half page summary of each research paper is due at the beginning of class on the day that we are discussing the paper. These summaries must be handed in using Canvas. Late or missing summaries will be logged as a zero grade. Guidelines for these summaries will be distributed before the first one is due.

Project Grades

Our class project is a collaborative one, with different individuals working on different pieces of a larger problem. Multiple students may work together in solving a project component, existing components may be modified or built upon, and components may be borrowed from the net. However, at each step, it must be clear what work is yours and what is that of other people. Project components are turned in using our mobile manipulation subversion tree.

The rules for assessing project grades are as follows:

General Grade Issues

Course Evaluations

The College of Engineering utilizes student ratings as one of the bases for evaluating the teaching effectiveness of each of its faculty members. The results of these forms are important data used in the process of awarding tenure, making promotions, and giving salary increases. In addition, the faculty uses these forms to improve their own teaching effectiveness. The original request for the use of these forms came from students, and it is students who eventually benefit most from their use. Please take this task seriously and respond as honestly and precisely as possible, both to the machine-scored items and to the open-ended questions.

Adjustments for Pregnancy/Childbirth Related Issues

Should you need modifications or adjustments to your course requirements because of documented pregnancy-related or childbirth-related issues, please contact me as soon as possible to discuss. Generally, modifications will be made where medically necessary and similar in scope to accommodations based on temporary disability. Please see for commonly asked questions.

Title IX Resources

For any concerns regarding gender-based discrimination, sexual harassment, sexual misconduct, stalking, or intimate partner violence, the University offers a variety of resources, including advocates on-call 24.7, counseling services, mutual no contact orders, scheduling adjustments and disciplinary sanctions against the perpetrator. Please contact the Sexual Misconduct Office 405-325-2215 (8-5) or the Sexual Assault Response Team 405-615-0013 (24.7) to learn more or to report an incident.

Copyright notice: Many of the materials created for this course are the intellectual property of Andrew H. Fagg. This includes, but is not limited to, the syllabus, lectures and course notes. Except to the extent not protected by copyright law, any sale of such materials requires the permission of the instructor.

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Andrew H. Fagg
Last modified: Wed Jan 18 14:57:42 2017