The primary means of transmitting class information to the students will be through announcements during class time and through web pages. You are responsible for announcements made through either or both of these means.
Occasionally, urgent information may be sent via email. You must ensure that the email address the University has on file for you is valid and is monitored by you. A test of the email addresses provided by the University will be made during the second week of class. You are responsible for notifying the instructor if you do not receive this test email.
The best way for students to communicate with the teaching staff is to come to scheduled office hours. If you cannot attend office hours in person, phone calls can be accepted but students present in the office will get priority. Email can also be used but a quick or detailed personal response is unlikely as we get a lot of email and responding to email can be very time consuming. Moreover, emails will get a lower priority than either phone calls or in-person visits.
One way for students to communicate with one another is through the discussion forums of the Desire2Learn web site for the class.
Details of all of the communication methods follow.
The prerequisites for this course are CS 1323 - Introduction to Computer Programming and Mathematics 1823 - Calculus and Analytic Geometry I. (If you have not taken these courses, you will need instructor permission to take 2334.) You are expected to have a working knowledge of Java, including a familiarity with its basic data types and control structures, and an understanding of basic program abstraction and organization. This course will introduce students to the use of abstract data types and files as well as GUIs and event-driven programming. These tools will be used by students to create medium-scale programs. This course will also introduce students to ethical issues related to computer science.
For topics covered, see the schedule.
By the end of the semester, the students will increase their:
All students in this class are allowed to request a Computer Science Network (CSN) account. This may be used for writing programs and sending and receiving materials electronically using the CSN Linux and Mac OS machines in DEH 115. All code written for this course MUST run using the compilers or interpreters that will be specified for the assignments. You may do your development work on whatever system you choose but it is your responsibility to ensure that your code runs on the school systems.
The graded assignments and their contribution to a student's grade are given in the table below. (Subject to change.)
Project 1 Project 2 Project 3 Project 4 Project 5 Exam 1 Exam 2 Final Exam Labs zyBook Exercises |
Classes/Objects and Lists Sorting and Searching Lists Serialization and Graphics Model, View, Controller Paradigm Recursion, Exceptions, and Assertions First 1/3 Second 1/3 Last 1/3 and Comprehensive All Topics All Topics |
5% 10% 10% 10% 10% 10% 10% 15% 10% 5% |
All exams in this course are to be done ALONE; the work submitted by a student MUST be the student's own. Likewise, some labs and some projects in this course are to be done ALONE; the work submitted by a student MUST be the student's own. On the other hand, group work is REQUIRED for some of the labs and some of the projects. These labs and projects will be clearly marked as requiring group work. For these labs and projects, students may work in groups of two or more. The more people in the group, the harsher the grading will be.
You are responsible for the material covered during the lectures sessions, whether or not it is also found in your textbooks or other assigned reading materials. Similarly, you are responsible for the material found in your textbooks and other assigned reading materials, whether or not it is also covered during the lectures sessions. In other words, you are responsible for the UNION of these sources of knowledge, as depicted by the shaded region of the Venn diagram below, not merely their intersection.
All work in projects must properly cite sources. For example, if you quote a source in your project, you must include the quotation in quotation marks and clearly indicate the source of the quotation.
Programming projects will be due at 11:00 pm on the due date. Late assignments will be penalized 20% per day late. (All parts of days will be rounded up.) After five days, you will not be able to turn in that assignment for credit. If you are worried about turning in the assignment late and loosing points, turn in the assignment ahead of time.
Each group will turn in ONE electronic copy of each assignment. The version submitted will be mutually agreed upon by the group members. The scores assigned to the members of the group will reflect their contributions to the version of the project submitted. Note that students are required to contribute equally to each project to the extent possible, so the scores assigned to each group member will typically all be the same. However, if all members of the group do not contribute equally to a project for some reason, the scores assigned to group members may be quite different.
Note that the policy of having each group submit one version of each project for grading is in stark contrast to having each member of each group submit his or her own version of the project for individual grading. As stated above, group work is REQUIRED for some of the labs and some of the projects. Working as a group does not mean having a chat now and then with another class member then going off to work on your own on the project. It means actively working together with the other members of your group to create a single product (a joint creation).
All exams will be open book/open notes. NO electronic devices will be permitted in the testing area.
Copying another's work, or possession of electronic computing or communication devices in the testing area, is cheating and grounds for penalties in accordance with school policies.