NOTE: This assignment, like others in this class, is due at the beginning of the class period. This means that if you are even a minute late, you lose 20%. If you are worried about potentially being late, turn in your homework ahead of time. Do this by submitting them to me during office hours or by sliding it under my office door. Do not send assignments to me through email or leave them in my departmental mail box.
For this assignment, assume a wheeled mobile robot equipped with a manipulator arm capable of opening doors and pressing elevator buttons.
Metric Navigation
Describe a route in purely metric terms that would take the robot from behind the lectern in Devon 270 to the CS reception desk in Devon 150. This route should be appropriate for metric navigation, efficient in terms of time and distance traveled, and be free from unnecessary complications (e.g., there is no need for your robot to visit the fifth-floor balcony or the Isle of Wight or HD 85512 b on its way from Devon 270 to Devon 150).
Name the top three sensors you would give this robot to enable it to navigate this route. Justify each selection. (Price is not a criterion you need to consider.)
Given the route and the sensor suite you have just described, where do you think a real robot following that route is most likely to get significantly off course or lost? Justify your answer.
Topological Navigation
Describe a route in purely topological terms that would take a mobile robot from behind the lectern in Devon 270 to the CS reception desk in Devon 150. This route should be appropriate for topological navigation, efficient in terms of time and distance traveled, and be free from unnecessary complications (e.g., there is no need for your robot to visit the fifth-floor balcony or the Isle of Wight or HD 85512 b on its way from Devon 270 to Devon 150).
Name the top three sensors you would give this robot to enable it to navigate this route. Justify each selection. (Price is not a criterion you need to consider.)
Given the route and the sensor suite you have just described, where do you think a real robot following that route is most likely to get significantly off course or lost? Justify your answer.
Comparison of Metric and Topological Navigation
Given the routes and sensor suites you described above, do you believe that the metric or topological robot is more likely to succeed in following its route? Justify your answer.
Of the routes you described above, which is more efficient in terms of distance traveled? Justify your answer.
Combination of Metric and Topological Navigation
Describe a route using a combination of metric and topological terms that would take the robot from behind the lectern in Devon 270 to the CS reception desk in Devon 150. This route should be appropriate for combined metric and topological navigation, combining the best elements of both, as well as be efficient in terms of time and distance traveled, and be free from unnecessary complications (e.g., there is no need for your robot to visit the fifth-floor balcony or the Isle of Wight or HD 85512 b on its way from Devon 270 to Devon 150).
Name the top three sensors you would give this robot to enable it to navigate this route. Justify each selection. (Price is not a criterion you need to consider.)
Given the route and the sensor suite you have just described, where do you think a real robot following that route is most likely to get significantly off course or lost? Justify your answer.
Turn in a typed and electronic copy of your work for this assignment. In total, your homework should run from 1.5 to 2 pages in length (roughly 80 characters per line, 50 lines per page). This does not count any figures that you may choose to include, which may be of any size.