NOTE: This assignment, like others in this class, is due at the beginning of the class period. This means that if you are even a minute late, you lose 20%. If you are worried about potentially being late, turn in your homework ahead of time. Do this by submitting them to me during office hours or by sliding it under my office door. Do not send assignments to me through email or leave them in my departmental mail box.
As discussed in class, we will be using the Robot Operating System (ROS) in conjunction with TurtleBots in the course this semester. The point of this homework is to take you through some tutorial exercises to help you learn some of the basic features of ROS and TurtleBots. Note that, as with Homework 2, you will not be programming any robots in this homework. However, you will get to drive them around in simulation a bit!
Work through the ROS tutorials listed below, completing the following exercises as you go. (Note that you may use the CSN computers in DEH 115 to complete this assignment or you may use your own computer. If you choose to use your own computer, you will need to install ROS Fuerte (following the ROS Fuerte Installation Instructions starting with Step 1) before completing these exercises or use the VirtualBox prepared by our CSN system admin.)
As you complete these exercises and add items to your completed assignment, number them to correspond to the numbering below as you did with Homework 2. Note that not all exercises will result in answers being added to your completed assignment.
rostopic pub -r 5 cmd_vel
geometry_msgs/Twist '[0.1, 0, 0]' '[0, 0, 0.2]'
" causes the
robot to circle to its left (counterclockwise when viewed from above)
or its right (clockwise from above).cmd_vel
messages are still being published,
do another screen capture of rxgraph and add this to your completed
is interacting with the other components of the
message but leave
Gazebo running and go on to the next tutorial.turtlebot_marker_server
is running, do
another screen capture of the rxgraph window and add that to your
completed assignment. Referencing this new image and any relevant
previous ones, explain how the turtlebot_marker_server
interacting with the other components of the system./odom
" to
.rosws init ~/sim_workspace
" use "rosws init ~/sim_workspace
" instead. (Note that electric is the previous
version of ROS and fuerte is the current version.)sim_workspace/setup.bash
as instructed by rosws
and add this source command to
your .bashrc file.build_map.launch
file in the tutorial,
use the one provided by Prof Fagg.
Turn in both an electronic copy (via D2L) and a hard copy of this assignment.