ATMEL HOWTO: Installation
Getting your computer (and you) set up (Windows version)
- Download and install AVR Studio 7:
AVR Studio 7 installer (requires registration; I suggest the web installer); A local copy has been posted to D2L
- Plug the AVR ISPmkII into the USB port of your computer
- Your computer may prompt you to install a driver (why, we don't know). Go through the motions of automatic installation.
- Every time you plug in a different programmer, you will have to repeat this process
- Start AVR Studio
- At some point, you may be prompted to upgrade the firmware on the programmer. This is OK (and strongly recommended).
- Tutorial: creating and compiling a new project.
- Note that our processor type is atMega2560
- We will have additional examples of compiling and programming in the lecture notes.
Getting your computer (and you) set up (OS X version)
- Download and install the AVR CrossPack
- You will also need a reasonable editor for your programs. One good option is: Xcode
Getting your computer (and you) set up (Linux version)
Install the following packages:
- avr-libc
- gcc-avr
- binutils-avr
- avrdude
- Getting avrdude to work as a normal user:
- Create the following file: /etc/udev/rules.d/85-avr.rules
- Add the following line: ATTRS{idVendor}=="03eb", ATTRS{idProduct}=="2104", MODE="0666"
- Create the following file: /etc/udev/rules.d/99-acm.rules
- Add the following line: KERNEL=="ttyACM[0-9]*", GROUP="users", MODE="0666"
Back to the Atmel HOWTO
fagg [[at]]
Last modified: Wed Jan 27 21:10:39 2016