Syllabus: CS 3113: Introduction to Operating Systems (Fall 2019)

An Operating System is the layer of software that sits between your application programs and the hardware components that make up your computer. This layer provides an important set of abstractions that make modern computing possible. These abstractions include: files and directories, processes, and reliable communication between processes and between computers.

Successfully learning operating systems means understanding computer science theory, algorithms, data structures and system-level programming. This operating systems course will include activities to support all of these. As a computer scientist or a computer engineer, this course will be extremely beneficial, but will also be a lot of work. Students should be prepared to spend several hours a week outside of class studying and working on assignments.

Lectures will be a mix of traditional lectures, class discussions, live programming examples and other activities. Participation is necessary to get the most out of the class.


ABET Student Outcomes

General Information

Course Policies


Grades will be computed according to the following distribution:

Although the lowest grade in the homework and quiz categories will be dropped, explicitly skipping an assignment or exercise is unwise, as you miss out on the experience of doing the exercise and you may perform even worse on a future exercise.

Grading notes:

Projects and Homework

Other Details

Course Evaluations

The College of Engineering utilizes student ratings as one of the bases for evaluating the teaching effectiveness of each of its faculty members. The results of these forms are important data used in the process of awarding tenure, making promotions, and giving salary increases. In addition, the faculty use these forms to improve their own teaching effectiveness. The original request for the use of these forms came from students, and it is students who eventually benefit most from their use. Please take this task seriously and respond as honestly and precisely as possible, both to the machine-scored items and to the open-ended questions.

Adjustments for Pregnancy/Childbirth Related Issues

Should you need modifications or adjustments to your course requirements because of documented pregnancy-related or childbirth-related issues, please contact me as soon as possible to discuss. Generally, modifications will be made where medically necessary and similar in scope to accommodations based on temporary disability. Please see for commonly asked questions.

Title IX Resources

For any concerns regarding gender-based discrimination, sexual harassment, sexual misconduct, stalking, or intimate partner violence, the University offers a variety of resources, including advocates on-call 24.7, counseling services, mutual no contact orders, scheduling adjustments and disciplinary sanctions against the perpetrator. Please contact the Sexual Misconduct Office 405-325-2215 (8-5) or the Sexual Assault Response Team 405-615-0013 (24.7) to learn more or to report an incident.

Religious Observance

It is the policy of the University to excuse the absences of students that result from religious observances and to reschedule examinations and additional required classwork that may fall on religious holidays, without penalty (see the Faculty Handbook section 3.15.2).

Final Exam Preparation Period

Pre-finals week is defined as the seven calendar days before the first day of finals. Faculty may cover new course material throughout this week. For specific provisions of the policy please refer to OU's Final Exam Preparation Period Policy.

Emergency Protocol

During an emergency, there are official university procedures that will maximize your safety.

Registration and Withdrawal

If you choose to withdraw from this course, you must complete the appropriate University form and turn the form in before the deadline. If you stop attending the course and doing the coursework without doing the required paperwork, your grade will be calculated with missed homework and examination grades entered as zero. This could result in receiving a grade of F in the course. Deadlines are shown in the Academic Calendar, which is available from the Office of Admissions and Records or online at

Copyright notice: Many of the materials created for this course are the intellectual property of Andrew H. Fagg. This includes, but is not limited to, the syllabus, lectures and course notes. Except to the extent not protected by copyright law, any use, distribution or sale of such materials requires the permission of the instructor.

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Andrew H. Fagg
Last modified: Tue Oct 1 12:22:54 2019