AME 3623: Project 6: Compasses and Position Control

For this project, you will be writing a control loop that orients the craft to a desired heading.

At the end of this project, you should be able to:

Inertial Measurement Units

Our 9-axis inertial measurement units (IMUs) are composed of a 3-axis linear accelerometer, a 3-axis rate gyroscope, and a 3-axis magnetometer. The accelerometer and gyroscope are simple to calibrate automatically (this is done at power-up). However, because the earth's magnetic field varies depending on where you are located, we must perform a full calibration process in situ. This is done by taking a set of samples from the magnetometer as it is rotated over the full range of orientations that we are interested in.

The IMU library provides the following functions (two of which you already have used):

Component 1: Circuit

There are no changes to be made to your circuit. However, you should make sure that your orientation LEDs are working properly.

Component 2: Compass Software and Configuration

Component 3: Control Software

Implement the following functions:

Component 4: Finite State Machine

Reuse your finite state machine from the prior project.

Component 5: Testing

What to Hand In

All components of the project are due by Friday, April 3rd at 3:30 pm.


Personal programming credit: Group grade distribution:

Group Grading Rubric

Grades for individuals will be based on the group grade, but weighted by the assessed contributions of the group members to the non-personal programming items.

andrewhfagg --

Last modified: Tue Mar 31 14:15:20 2020