AME 3623: Project 0

By the end of this project, each individual in the group will demonstrate:

Component 1

As a group, wire the following hardware to your board:

Component 2

Each group member must write a program that:
  1. Waits for the switch to be pressed, then
  2. Displays an interesting LED flashing pattern (each group member must be different).
  3. Once the switch is released, the LEDs must turn off.
  4. Repeat


Project Review

Once your group completes component 1 and everyone in the group completes component 2, then the group must perform a "code review" with the instructor or the TA. During this code review, you will first discuss your code and then demonstrate the code executing on your Teensy. Ideally, these code reviews take place during our Office Hours.

Group #:

Component 2 Complete




All components and code reviews are due by 5:00 pm on Thursday, February 6th.


andrewhfagg --

Last modified: Wed Jan 29 01:29:05 2020