Hopefully soon enough this webpage will have more entries. The idea is that I will write down answers to frequently asked questions, try to place references to packages and solutions to problems that have caught my attention, and other relevant stuff about LaTeX.
Key Places that Promote LaTeX
Starting Up
Basic References
- The Not So Short Introduction To LaTeX 2e; available in other languages too.
- The LaTeX wiki book
- More guides
LaTeX under Different Platforms
Popular Editors for Different Platforms
- WinEdt; Windows
- Kile; Unix/Linux/Macintosh
- The recommended installation approach is usually through the package manager that comes with your system. For Macintosh you can use MacPorts.
- GNU Emacs; all platforms
- TextWrangler; Macintosh
- Another powerful editor. Handy for documents in non-standard ISO encodings.
Collaborative LaTeX Editors
- GNUPlot
- jfig
- Xfig
- Dia
- Graphviz - Graph Visualization Software
- GLE - Graphics Layout Engine
- TeXample.net; featuring TikZ and PGF
The main tool in the transfig bundle that handles images and figures in general.
- Download for Windows and Mac
- transfig @ CTAN
Tool that converts .jpg images to .eps format.