import java.awt.event.ActionListener;
import javax.swing.JDialog;

public class NewsController {

    private JDialog viewDialog;
    private MediaTypeSelectionView mediaTypeSelectionView;
    private List<NewsMedia> selectedMediaTypes;

     * This method is called to display pie charts when requested by the user.
     * It gets the list of all selected news makers from the
     * <code>SectionView</code> and displays one pie chart per news maker. For
     * each pie chart it needs to determine the media type(s) to display, the
     * news content type to display, and the news metric to use for display.
    private void displayPieCharts() {
        // Get the indices of the news makers selected in the selection view.
        int[] indices = selectionView.getSelectedNewsMakers();

        // If there are no selected news makers, alert the user and return.
        if (0 == indices.length) {
            JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(selectionView, "No newsmaker selected.", "Invalid Selection",
        } else {
            // If there are selected news makers, go through the process for each.
            NewsMakerListModel newsMakerListModel = this.newsDataBaseModel.getNewsMakerListModel();
            for (int index : indices) {
                NewsMakerModel newsMakerModel = newsMakerListModel.get(index);
                String newsMakerName = newsMakerModel.getName();

                // Get media types using MediaTypeSelectionView.
                this.selectedMediaTypes = null;
                this.mediaTypeSelectionView = new MediaTypeSelectionView();
                MediaTypeSelectionListener mediaTypeSelectionListener = new MediaTypeSelectionListener();

                this.viewDialog = new JDialog(selectionView, newsMakerName, true);

                // If no media types were selected, go on to next news maker.
                if (null == this.selectedMediaTypes) {

                // Get content type using JOptionPane.
                NewsContent selectedNewsContent = null;
                selectedNewsContent = (NewsContent) JOptionPane.showInputDialog(selectionView,
                        "Graph news stories based on which content?", newsMakerName, JOptionPane.PLAIN_MESSAGE, null,
                        NewsContent.values(), NewsContent.TOPIC);
                if (null == selectedNewsContent) {

                // Get metric type using JOPtionPane.
                NewsMetric selectedNewsMetric = null;
                selectedNewsMetric = (NewsMetric) JOptionPane.showInputDialog(selectionView,
                        "Graph news stories based on which metric?", newsMakerName, JOptionPane.PLAIN_MESSAGE, null,
                        NewsMetric.values(), NewsMetric.LENGTH);
                if (null == selectedNewsMetric) {

                // Create the pie chart.
                PieChartView pieChartView = new PieChartView(newsMakerModel, selectedMediaTypes, selectedNewsContent,

                //Make sure the pie chart listens for model changes so that it can update itself.

     * <code>MediaTypeSelectionListener</code> is an inner class (within
     * <code>NewsController</code>) to listen for actions from a
     * <code>MediaTypeSelectionView</code>. It has one method that does all the
     * work -- the overridden <code>actionPerformed</code> method -- which is
     * called when there is a relevant <code>actionEvent</code>.
     * @author Dean Hougen
     * @version 1.0
    public class MediaTypeSelectionListener implements ActionListener {

         * The overridden <code>actionPerformed</code> method that does all of
         * the work. If the user indicates their selections are "OK" (the
         * <code>actionCommand</code> is "OK"), it queries each
         * <code>JCheckBox</code> of the <code>MediaTypeSelectionView</code> to
         * see if it was selected. If so, it adds the corresponding
         * <code>NewsMedia</code> type to the <code>selectedMediaTypes</code>
         * list. If no check boxes were selected, it warns the user of this
         * fact. Once it has extracted the relevant information from the
         * <code>MediaTypeSelectionView</code>, it disposes of that view, which
         * closes the modal window and allows the user to interact with other
         * windows in <code>Nooz</code>.
        public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent actionEvent) {
            selectedMediaTypes = new LinkedList<NewsMedia>();
            if ("OK".equals(actionEvent.getActionCommand())) {
                if (mediaTypeSelectionView.jcbNewspaper.isSelected()) {
                if (mediaTypeSelectionView.jcbTVNews.isSelected()) {
                if (mediaTypeSelectionView.jcbOnline.isSelected()) {
                if (null == selectedMediaTypes) {
                    JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(selectionView, "No media type selected.", "Invalid Selection",