Exam 2, Question 5 Solution

Written by Priyanka Jain


A: This would expect the application programs to deal with inodes and thus expecting user to know the inode structure and possible manipulation.

Grading standards:
if the dealing with inode is mentioned- 10 pts
if security or physical layer abstraction mentioned 8 pts
if complexity mentioned 5 pts
if some other related problem stated 2 pts
if nothing meaningful 1 pts

1. Faster Memory access due to lesser indirection
2. Flexibility for user to handle the information in inode as one wants
3. the system would never run out of inodes
1. Complex and bulky directory structure
2. Can possibly mess up entire inode structure because it is being maintaned by user
3. Additional hard links to the same file wouldn't be possible.

Grading standards:
listing any adv/dis: 2pts each
explaining the listed adv/dis: 3pts each