Syllabus: CS/AME/ECE 5970-002:
Advanced Mobile Manipulation Challenge
(Spring 2013)

Mobile Manipulators are robotic systems that are capable of navigating through and interacting with unstructured environments in order to perform a wide range of tasks. Designing control systems for this domain is a non-trivial process, due in part to the complexities of constructing and manipulating flexible and extensible representations of the environment, motor action and task. In this seminar course, we will study the representation, learning, planning and control techniques that are currently driving this field forward. This work will be done in the context of the DARPA Robotics Challenge.

General Information

Topics will include:

Course Structure

This class is a project-driven class in which students and faculty will work together to design and implement a solution to the DARPA Robotics Challenge. In particular, our goal is to have a competitive solution in time for the Virtual Robotics Challenge qualification rounds that will be held in early May.

The students and faculty will collaborate in setting project goals and milestones, and in determining the content of lectures and class discussions.

Students will be required to:

Course Policies


Grades will be computed according to the following distribution:

In-Class Participation

All students are expected to actively participate in class discussions. Come to class with questions, ideas, technical reports and demonstrations.

Project Grades

The primary unit of project work is a group of 2-3 people. However, individuals may work on components on their own. Furthermore, components may be borrowed from other groups in the class or from existing repositories. Project components are turned in using our robotics resources subversion tree.

The rules for assessing project grades are as follows:

General Grade Issues

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Andrew H. Fagg
Last modified: Mon Jan 14 02:12:10 2013