CS 5043: HW7: Attention

Assignment notes:

The Problem

We are using the same problem space as in the previous homework assignment. However, rather than using a RNN approach to connect information across the amino acid chains, we will be employing Attention mechanisms to do so. This approach dramatically reduces the number of layers through which gradients must be propagated.

Data Set

Expect an updated data set; its form will be the same as what we have been using for HW 6.

The Data set is available on SCHOONER:

The data are already partitioned into five independent folds, with the classes stratified across the folds (the samples for class k are distributed equally across the five folds). However, the different classes have different numbers of examples, with as much as a 1-10 ratio between the minority and majority classes.

Deep Learning Experiment

Objective: Create an Attention-based model to perform the amino acid family classification. The architecture will be a form along the lines of:

Performance Reporting

Once you have selected a reasonable architecture and set of hyper-parameters, produce the following figures:
  1. Figure 0: Network architectures from plot_model()

  2. Figure 1: Training set Accuracy as a function of epoch for each rotation of five rotations.

  3. Figure 2: Validation set accuracy as a function of epoch for each of the rotations.

  4. Figure 3: Histogram of accuracy for the test folds that shows vertical lines that correspond to the average accuracy (also show this average in text).

What to Hand In

Turn in a single zip file that contains:



andrewhfagg -- gmail.com

Last modified: Fri Apr 15 01:35:47 2022