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The project has been simulated and tested using the following two test applications:

Test Application I -- DOD Sensor Data set

This test application is part the DOD project, which uses a network of sensors that in particular monitors the light and other parameters. The sensors report the amount of light for different time intervals and these sensor readings are used as an input data to our simulation. The document provides more details about the network layout and how the data is collected.

Test Application II -- NASA JPL/SensorWebs Project

This test application is part of NASA's Sensor Web project, which uses a network of sensors and observation satellites responsible for surveilling natural environments such as volcanos, gardens, atmosphere, etc.
In particular, this test application monitors the air temperature and other parameters by the aid of a network of sensors embedded in the Huntington Botanical Gardens in San Marino, California. The sensors report the air temperature of several places in the gardens for different time intervals. The actual sensor readings are used as an input data to our simulation. Click here to link to the data set source.


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