INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF COMPUTER SYSTEMS SCIENCE & ENGINEERING NOTES FOR AUTHORS Computer Systems Science & Engineering is devoted to the publication of high quality papers on theoretical developments in computer systems science and their applications in computer systems engineering. All papers will be refereed by acknowledged experts in the field, and may be (i) accepted without change, (ii) require amendment and subsequent re-refereeing, or (iii) be rejected on the grounds of either relevance or content. The submission of a paper implies that, if accepted for publication, it will not be published elsewhere in the same form, in any language, without the prior consent of the Publisher. It is the authors responsibility to obtain written permission to quote material that has appeared in another publication. All submissions should be accompanied by a written declaration that the paper has not been submitted for consideration elsewhere. PREPARATION OF SCRIPTS Manuscripts should preferably be prepared on a computer in one of the Publisher's preferred software formats (see below) to help the typesetting of accepted manuscripts. Authors should write in clear and concise English. To speed up the typesetting process, papers that have been accepted for publication should, if possible, be submitted on disk (3.5/5.25") in one of the following formats (in order of preference): IBM-compatible: WordPerfect, Microsoft Word, Write (Windows), ASCII, other word processing software (specify). Macintosh: Microsoft Word, WordPerfect, other word processing software (specify). Authors should not use DTP software, or attempt to follow the journal's layout style. A clean, unmarked copy of the manuscript should also be sent with disks (see below). Figures can also be prepared on disk and sent in one of the following formats: MacDraw, EPS, PICT, TIFF. Figures should be either 20 or 42 picas in width, with labelling no larger than 10pt. Arrangement of Papers Contributions should be arranged in the following order: 1. Title, authors, affiliation and full postal/email addresses. 2. A 50-100 word abstract outlining the purpose, scope and conclusions of the paper. 3. The text, suitably divided under numbered headings. 4. Acknowledgements. 5. References (as complete as possible). 6. Tables (each on a separate sheet). 7. Captions to illustrations. 8. Illustrations. Mathematical and Technical Setting Write mathematical, Greek and other technical symbols by hand unless using special fonts. All vectors, tensors and matrices should be clearly identified. All variables to be printed in italics should be clearly marked, or presented in italic font. The following should be noted - Always put a zero before decimals less than 1, e.g. 0.9876, not .9876. - Use the full stop as the decimal point, never as a multiplication sign. - Use fractional indexes rather than root signs. - Write simple mathematical fractions in the text on one line only. - Group numbers consisting of more than four numerals in threes separated by spaces - do not use commas, e.g. 200 000 (not 200,000). - Indicate super/subscripts clearly. - Distinguish clearly between the letter I and one, and the letter o and zero. Tables and Figures Tables and Figures should be numbered consecutively throughout the paper, referring to them in the text as Table l, Figure 3, Table 2, etc. Do not use vertical rules in tables. Results should not be presented in both tabular and graphical forms. Original copies of figures are required, not photocopies. Where photographs are presented, originals are necessary (NB: the journal does not publish colour photographs). The minimum of descriptive text should be used on figures, with essential information on identification and explanation relegated to the figure caption. Graph axes should have the variables labelled in full, with the abbreviation in parentheses. Scale grids should not be used in graphs unless necessary for actual measurements. A table is more satisfactory for recording data. If computer printouts are to be used as figures, provide clear, unmarked originals on unlined paper. Full explanations should be given in captions to all figures, photographs, printouts and tables. References Indicate references to the literature in the text by superior Arabic numerals which run consecutively throughout the paper. Other numbering or reference systems will lead to wholesale renumbering of references. Where a reference is cited more than once in the text, use the same number each time. References should take the following form: 1 Colajanni, M and Tucci, S Equivalence relation between fork-join systems and N-stage queueing networks', Comput. Syst. Sci. & Eng., Vol 8 No 1 (January 1993) pp 3-12 2 Thompson, J B Virtual Reality R&D: A Directory of Research Projects, Meckler, CT, USA (1993) 3 Hershey, D F 'Load balancing units and distributed systems', Proc. 1st Int. Conf on Hypercube, San Mateo, CA (1992) pp 124-153 References should be complete as far as possible, including the year of publication, the publisher and their location, full article, book and conference titles, full list of authors and their initials, and page numbers where appropriate. Proofs Correspondence and proofs for checking will be sent to the first named author unless otherwise requested. Only typesetting/copy editing changes can be accepted from authors at proof checking stage. Corrected proofs should be returned within three days of receipt. 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